President’s Message

By Mr. Henry C. Poblador

Ready for the Future
InfoVision 2004-2016

From fruitful and humble beginnings, Info-Vision Research Systems, Inc. had grown by leaps and bounds through the years. We have achieved tremendous growth trajectory for the past 12 years as a company.We recorded stellar achievements in our core business as we expanded our footprint nationwide and be of service to a wide range of corporate entities across the industry. Our clients continue to use our solutions to arrive at a sound decision-making process as we deliver our deliverables in a timely fashion.

We tried to bring our cost at bay for us to reach to a broader industry and managed our service level agreement to meet required timelines to support customer demand.

Our focus is currently anchored on innovating processes to ensure we keep abreast of the global standard, thus, we developed an online, interactive and customer driven portal. Leveraging on our vast and wide experience in the field of credit information and background information process, we designed and developed the “Online Reporting Application or ORA”. Our customer is delighted to use this highly efficient and futuristic application as a manifestation of our commitment to provide information right at their beckon anytime, anywhere.

Info-Vision Research Systems, Inc. is poised to continue serving its clients well. It’s commitment to quality, efficient and cost-effective reports stand as its primary guiding principle as we move forward to another year in the industry.

Presently, we are embarking on a huge investment to upgrade facilities, expand our seats and capabilities which we deemed necessary in our thrust to be more relevant albeit the challenge of competition from global players. Our management committee is at the forefront to ensure that we stay the course and meet expectations of our customers through the continuous process audit and guidance of branch operations.

All of these manifests our readiness for the future as we unfold another page of the history of the company with new leaders at the helm.

Our battlecry today is for IRSI 2004-2016 to be READY FOR THE FUTURE!