InfoCreditCredit Information is the process of evaluating a certain company, person or institutions for the purpose of credit accommodation. It provides vital information and data necessary inorder for our subscribers to arrive at a sound decision making. Info-vision's Credit Information Report is based on actual inquiries made through personal inspections, inquiry and previous data analysis and assessments. We provide a highly reliable and accurate professional opinion as to the credit worthiness of the subject for inquiry through our Credit Solutions. Likewise, we provide an in-depth assessments of the company's Financial Condition. Our product branding focuses on the traditional 5 C's of Credit. Request For Sample Report
InfoBakPersonnel Security Report ( Background Investigation) is an inquiry on a certain individual's personal character, family background employment, educational attainment, neighborhood and community reputations, health records and other data. Info-vision's Personnel Security Reports is a comprehensive, strictly no engagement inquiry which is highly reliable for any purpose our subscribers desires. Our data gathering processes is designed to gather data of a certain person which is unadulterated and without any iota of bias, which makes it highly reliable. Our no engagement policy, especially with the subject for inquiry up to the fifth degree of his/her affinity and consanguinity will assure the independence and incorruptibility of our reports.
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Research & SurveysThe company is engaged in various research programs such market research, traffic and pedestrian research, vicinity research and related customized researches. Info-Vision likewise is engaged in survey's such as brand survey, political survey, land survey, environmental surveys and other customized surveys. We actively participate in our client‚ specified research and survey programs, either person to person or telephone based surveys.
Our Accounts Receivable Management Program is signed as a No Frills service, which is based on a "No Collection, No Fee" policy. Our normal commission rate is 20% based on the account age and location. Our company boasts of our special systems which no other collection agencies have, and assures of our at least 70% actual effective collection ratio. Much more, we are probably the only agency who has the capability to collect anywhere in the country.
Call (032) 343-9651 to learn more
Business Service
In any case, the company performs other business services which our clients may request us. However, this is on a case to case basis and is exclusive only for our existing clients.
Call (032) 343-9651 to learn more
Property Valuation
Our Propety Valuation and Evaluations focuses on the following services;
Property Appraisal - An independent, scientific and analytical valuation of a certain land and or chattel anywhere in the country.
Property Search and Verifications - Capability to search a certain company, institutions or person & property anywhere in the country.
Skiptracing - Capability to locate both person, company etc, anywhere in the country.
Title History - Tracing History of Ownership